its been a long time!

I know it has a been a awful long time since my last post... but this has been one fantastic year.. either with my nieces or my own daughter.. one day you are changing their nappies and the next you are dressing them in wedding gowns and walking them down the isle... WOW! what a journey!!
It has to be one of the best things in the world besides the grandbabies that come after...LOL
this has been my life for the last year and a half and have I learned a lot and done a LOT of sewing for others. We still have a way to go til the big day what with fittings and such but I am gathering a few projects together to take over from the wedding preps once the big day has come and gone.... my creative juices are flowing and I am so hanging to get my hands dirty again LOL

I have a few updates and these will follow shortly with a special giveaway

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